
Metohi Istoria offers a space where guests can engage events that promote well-being and connection.

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” ― Hippocrates

A multicultural place: Metohi Istoria is a cultural treasure trove with a rich history dating back to the 15th century. Over the years, numerous families have called it home, each leaving their mark on its stones and walls. From Venetians and Ottomans to Greeks, the stories of its inhabitants are woven into its essence. Therefore, we don’t limit our activities to special occasions like weddings or baptisms. We are committed to nurturing our cultural heritage through gatherings that unite people and celebrate our shared legacy.

Events blending tradition with modernity: Our events blend tradition with modernity, echoing the spirit of Greek communities throughout the ages. At Metohi Istoria, we provide a space for local talent to shine, showcasing both the Cretan heritage and the contemporary cultural wealth of our region through events, exhibitions, workshops and more.
A cultural crossroad: Consider us as your cultural meeting point, where the best of Crete and Greece come together through a diverse range of events.