
“Every day is a gift. But some days are packaged better” ― Sanhita Baruah

Birthday parties for children

Metohi Istoria is the perfect venue for children’s celebrations! The main building provides an ideal setting for a delicious lunch and plenty of opportunities for taking pictures. Explore the estate with nature walks or embark on hidden treasure hunts amidst the trees.

The expansive lawn provides a secure area for a variety of children’s activities. Collaborate with entertainers such as educators, jugglers, clowns and magicians from our trusted network to create an unforgettable day.

Joyful celebrations for adults

At our historic estate, we love hosting birthday parties for all ages! Experience the versatility of our venue combined with timeless elegance. Set up a vintage mobile bar next to the historic oil mill, welcome guests with live saxophone and violin melodies, invite dancers to add excitement on the dancefloor, and conclude the day with cold cocktails under the stars.

Each celebration at Metohi Istoria adds a unique chapter to its storied legacy, ensuring your special day becomes a cherished memory.

Request form for Weddings & Other Special Days

We are excited to host your beskope occasion. Please submit your request via the form provided below.